Historic Charlotte Grange Hall to Reopwn

April 2023

Linda Hamilton


After many months of being closed to public events due to not only COVID precautions but also some needed building repairs, Charlotte Grange anticipates resuming regular programs and gatherings in our historic Hall starting this summer! We are happy to welcome you back (or perhaps for the first time) to the charming 150+ year old building located at 2858 Spear Street in East Charlotte Village, home of the Grange for the past 65 years.

Our popular Grange on the Green summer music concerts will continue to be held…… well…….. on the Town Green. But if there is interest, we hope to resume the fun Open Mic musical gatherings in the Hall this year to feature budding and wannabe artists from the area. Let us know if you are interested!

We’re planning to offer a tour of the historic building to not only show off its significant architectural features but also to share some of its history and stories, including its many years as district school #10, also known as Lyceum Schoolhouse. Why Lyceum? There’s an interesting story about that, which you’ll hear on the tour!

Charlotte’s burgeoning 4-H group is interested in using the Grange Hall for meetings and special events as the youngsters explore subjects related to the 4-H club pledge, something which is consistent with Grange’s own goals: “My Head to clearer thinking, My Heart to greater loyalty, My Hands to larger service and My Health to better living for my club, my community, my country, and my world,” -- and having fun along the way. 

We are very pleased that Grange educational programs on timely topics with speakers or discussion groups can be held in the Hall once again, with up to 50 participants. And we hope it won’t be long before we can revive the much-loved Grange tradition of potluck suppers and other opportunities for Charlotters to eat and socialize with each other.

Many of Grange’s activities do not depend on using the Hall, but it certainly will be more fun to have the building available once again. If you have suggestions or would like to help make events happen, please let us know! Contact us at Charlottegrangevt@gmail.com. We look forward to this being a year of Charlotters gathering together more easily and feeling Stronger Together.

Current members of the Charlotte Grange are Trina Bianchi, Alicia Cooper, Louis Cox, Katie Devoid, Scott Devoid, Tai Dinnan (President), Jim Donovan, Frances Foster, Bill Fox, Lynn Fox, Linda Hamilton, Lucie Lehmann, Susan Ohanian, David Perrin, Mary Provencher, Toni Sunderland, Ruah Swennerfelt, Dean Tuininga, Karen Tuininga, Sally Wadhams, and Margaret Woodruff. 

We greatly appreciate the support we receive from the community as we strive to honor our agricultural roots and help build a resilient future for all. For more information about Charlotte Grange and how to become a member, see www.charlottegrange.org.