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Food Drive for Farmworkers

  • Charlotte Grange 2858 Spear Street Charlotte, VT, 05445 United States (map)

We’ll be gathering specific non-perishable food items in support of local underserved farmworkers. Bins will be on the front porch of the Grange Hall during this 12-day period, as well as in several other locations around town and in the area. Please check back here for a list of additional drop-off locations.

The Food Drive for Farmworkers is for specific items, and the Goya brand items are quite available at Market 32 (Price Chopper), Shaw's, and Hannafords. Thanks for participating and for honoring the need for these particular items:

Spaghetti (1 lb. boxes), Dried Black Beans (1 lb. bags), Canned Black Beans (16 oz. cans, preferably Goya brand), Dried Lentils (1 lb. bags), White Rice (1 lb. bags), Goya Yellow Rice (7 oz. boxes), Maseca Yellow Corn Flour (4 lb. bags), Apple or Cranberry Juice (64 oz. containers), and Vegetable Oil (48 oz. containers). Also: Goya Adobo All Purpose Seasoning, Goya Sazonador Total Seasoning, and Goya Sazon Culantro y Achiote Seasoning packets.

To learn more contact Sally:

April 25

Program Committee Meeting

May 8

Poetry at the Grange