Please consider donating outgrown kids' and teens' clothes, outerwear, and footwear to the Charlotte Hand-Me-Downs project! We are also accepting donations of large reusable shopping bags to use in re-distributing the clothing.
Check back here for the exact in-person drop-off days and times. In addition, there will be a large sealed bin on the porch at the Grange Hall (2858 Spear St.) for anyone who may want to drop donations off at other times during these dates.
The Charlotte Hand-Me-Downs project is a program of the Charlotte Grange. Every spring and fall local families gather clothes their children or teenagers have outgrown and drop them at the Grange. Volunteers then sort the clothes by size and make a bag for each child served by the Charlotte Food Shelf. Any donations not needed by Charlotte families will be donated to community support organizations in neighboring towns.
The Charlotte Food Shelf is committed to provide support to our neighbors with food and assistance. To learn more, visit