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Children's Clothing and Winter Gear Clothing Drive

  • Charlotte Grange Hall 2858 Spear Street Charlotte, VT, 05445 United States (map)

This fall’s Kids Clothing and Outerwear Drive will run from October 1st-October 8th.

A weather proof bin will be located by the front door of the Grange Hall for drop-off during this entire period. The hall will be open and staffed by volunteers on two mornings: Saturday October 5th 9am-noon and Tuesday October 8th 8:30am-10am. Please consider dropping off while the hall is open if you have larger quantities of clothes to donate.

Donations of children’s and teen clothing and shoes are welcomed. In addition, our fall drive strives to provide all children served by the Charlotte Food Shelf with a full winter gear set-up. Donations of children’s winter jackets, mittens, hats, snow pants, and snow boots are welcomed and appreciated.

Volunteers needed: Come help sort and fold clothes 10/5 from 9-noon and/or 10/8 from 8:30am-10am. Email Alicia at to sign up or learn more.

October 5

Children's Clothing and Winter Gear Clothing Drive

October 9

Line Dancing Class