Charlotte Grange invites you to support the Food Shelf with donations of food and funds in honor of Karen Doris, for her 31 years of Food Shelf leadership!
Special Food and Funds Drive July 23 - July 30.
Financial donations appreciated:
Through Food Shelf website
Via check to Charlotte Food Shelf, PO Box 83, Charlotte, VT 05445
Non-perishable food donations drop off:
Tuesday, July 23
4:30 to 6:30 pm
Grange Hall, 2858 Spear Street, East Charlotte Village
Thursday, July 25
5:00 to 7:00 pm
Grange on the Green Concert, Town Green, West Charlotte Village
Be part of this community THANK YOU to Karen by supporting the organization she has so long been dedicated to and which provides meaningful direct assistance to our neighbors experiencing food and financial insecurity.